2021-11-15 02:02:31 (edited by George_Gaylord 2022-01-16 01:30:39)

With the uptick in blind and visually impaired persons making the switch to Linux, there are bound to be a few who would like to play some popular audiogames, such as Sketchbook Your world, Golden Crayon, and others. Unfortunately, it may not be as easy to get information on configuring your computer to play them, with wine and others. This will be a quick guide on getting you equipped for playing BGT games specifically, within a .zip archive.

What Do You Need and some info going forward?
First thing first, this guide was written from the perspective of someone using Linux Mint, however, the process shouldn't be too different on other Ubuntu based distros.
Secondly, of course, you'll need an internet connection in order to install the dependencies, wine and your game itself!
Thirdly, We'll be using the terminal for this, but have no fear, I'll write down the commands for you. Simply copy them by going to the beginning of the line, and hitting shift+down arrow. CTRL+Shift V will paste it in the terminal.
And lastly, we'll be using Sketchbook your World, which you can get at ims-productions.com/sbyw.php
Now onto the process.

Getting Wine.
Wine is most important to this process. Wine allows you to run windows executables on linux by converting windows system calls to linux ones to grossly undersimplify. If you're interested on looking up how wine works exactly, there are many resources on the internet. We're not going to go too deep into that here.
Firstly, fire up your Linux Terminal, by pressing ctrl+alt T.
Next, type

sudo apt install wine32

Apt is a linux package manager that will fetch all the dependencies for you. The terminal will prompt you to enter your password, do so, hit enter, and then the y key to continue the download. If you use wine64, you may end up getting errors, so its best to use wine32 and be done with it.
It will take a while to download, depending on your speed, so sit back, get a cup of lemonade and be patient.

Installing Winetricks.

Now that's done, get Winetricks. Winetricks will be used for installing the SAPI dependencies and libs, which will allow your games to output to you.
The process is much the same as getting wine, however you replace wine32 with winetricks.

sudo apt install winetricks

So again, enter your password, enter the letter y to continue, and then wait.

OK, How Do We Make The Thing Talk!
Now you'll have to fetch the speech SDK. The speechsdk will allow SAPI to work correctly. Instead of using apt, you'll have to use winetricks.
Again in terminal type:

winetricks -q speechsdk

Again, hang back and wait for it to complete the instilation process.

Finishing Touches And Actually Launching The Game!

You're almost ready to log on to your game of choice, you're just a few steps away.
1. Our first job, asuming you haven't done so already is to extract the archive of the game. In this case SBYW. If you have already done so, navigate to the next section of this guide.
1.1. Navigate to the directory where the game is stored, in my case Downloads.

cd Downloads

1.2. Extract the folder. You can either extract it right there in the downloads folder, however SBYW will just extract all the files into your downloads, making it a cluttered mess. The next point, I'll show you how you can make a folder to extract your games to, but if you're just lazy and wanna extract it here simply type

unzip SBYW.zip

1.2.1. Go to your home directory by typing

cd ~/

to create the folder, type in the following

mkdir games

Games being the name of the  folder.
1.2.3. Go to where SBYW or your game of choice's zip archive is located and type the following to extract SBYW or your game of choice to the games folder we just created.

unzip SBYW.zip -d ~/games

Now the sbyw files will be extracted to that folder. If you wish you can also create a special folder in the games folder specifically for sbyw by following the steps above, and add /sbyw or whatever you name the folder after games. Example:

unzip SBYW.zip -d ~/games/sbyw

2. Actually running the thing.
now that you've successfully unzipped your game, its time to run it!
2.1. Navigate to where the executable is stored by using cd, as shown above.
2.2. Simply, type

wine sbyw.exe

This also goes for any game you want to run. Simply replace sbyw.exe with the file name of choice.

3. SBYW specific
You're more or less done! Congratulations!You're now able to play your windows games just fine. The only caviot is the fact the game must have sapi support in order for you to know what's going on. But going forward I'm going to help you set up SBYW, since its quite a bit involved.
3.1. Running the game for the first time, you'll be required to download the sounds. Your screenreader, at least in my testing, will not report the prompt, however simply hit enter to begin. You should hear a beeping tone. That means the download is in progress. Wait a little. Once it has stopped, that means the downloader has completed grabbing the sounds. The next step is to compile the sounds.dat file. Hit enter, again and it should continue.
3.2. Now the game should launch. SAPI is not configured by default like some other games, however the process of enabling it is not at all difficult.
3.2.1. Hit the letter P to get to the preferences menu.
3.2.2. Hit alt+P and hit S. From there SAPI should be enabled.
And you're done! SBYW is now configured, and you should not only be able to play and run windows games and programmes, but hopefully this has made you slightly more skilled at using Linux! Thank you very much for reading!

In this section I would like to thank anyone who made any contributions or improvements to this document.

I'd like to thank meatbag, who took a quick glance through the document and helping me out with explaining the Speech SDK.
Thanks to Rich Beardsley for telling me about the enabling of SAPI within SBYW. I didn't catch it. Cheers man.


If you spot anything in here that's off, you can tell me in the main topic in the General games discussion and you'll also be creditted!

The topic can be found  right here


15 January 2022 7:29 pm:

Changed the section on running SBYW. Thanks Rich.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

Thumbs up +3