2021-07-27 15:07:03 (edited by TheTrueSwampGamer 2022-05-31 05:30:43)

Welcome, to the never-ending world of Fortnite Battle Royale! I have attempted to put together a sort of guide to help you get Fortnite and start, with some information to help you get started. My sighted friend, @greenbeangravy, wrote most of this, I wrote all of the voice attack stuff and added some notes throughout. I hope you enjoy this guide, as it has been a pleasure to get everyone hyped for it to come out.
Please note, this only works for PC. Using a controller is not advised. Sighted help is not required but can help to set keybinds reliably, but if you wish to use VOiceAttack to scroll, OCR is possible as well just not recommended. A list of keybinds will be at the very bottum. These keybinds are not required and the only ones but worked but they are the ones that I have used.

Getting Voice Attack

1. Go to https://voiceattack.com/#download-1
2. open the file, and follow the on-screen prompt to install Voice Attack.
3. On the first launch, use NVDA object navigation or OCR to go through the tips, and program setup.
4. download the Voice Attack profile at https://www.keybase.pub/shotgunspoon. Click VoiceAttack.zip, then download or Raw.
5. Extract the folder anywhere.
6. copy the folder after extraction, go to %appdata% and paste it into the folder. Restart VoiceAttack, and the profile will be automatically activated. The keys are as followed.

Note: The keys are Numpad based, and require numlock off, but will be listed as if numlock were on.

1: Turn left.
2: aim down
3: turn right.
4: turn left in a smaller increment, useful for slower aiming or to be more accurate.
5: Recenter vertical aim, useful for jumping out of cars, after landing from the battle bus, looking up to break down chests or enemies, etc.
6: turn right in a smaller increment, useful for slower aiming or to be more accurate.
7: scroll up 10 clicks with a mouse wheel, change the emote wheel by one page left.
8: looks upwards
9: scroll down 10 clicks with a mouse wheel, change the emote wheel by one page right.
0: attempts to build a box, with varying effect. Using the period key listed below while building walls is advised before using this key, which will add a floor and roof above your head for extra security. After it finishes building these, it will recenter your aim at one of the walls, and equip the first thing in your hotbar (1 on the number row)
Numpad period key. do a 180-degree turn. This is self-explanatory, does a 180-degree flip, don't worry it looks realistic.

How to make an Epic Games account:

Step 1: Visit "https://www.epicgames.com/login"
Step 2: Find and click the "Sign Up" button.
Step 3: Choose the method you want to use to sign up.
Step 4: Fill in your birth date, name, username, and everything else you might need to do.
Step 5: Paste in the verification code either sent to your phone or email.
You should now have a working Epic Games account!

How to get Fortnite on your account, and download the Epic Games Launcher:

Step 1: "Visit https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/p/fortnite"
Step 2: Find and press the "Get" button.
Step 3: Find and press the "Order" button after about 5 seconds after pressing the "Get" button to allow the page to load.
Step 4: Press the "Download Epic Games Launcher" button. This will download the Epic Games MSI. Give it a few seconds to appear if you cannot see it.
Step 5: Open and complete the Installation.

How to Download Fortnite on to your PC:

Step 1: Open the Epic Games Launcher and log in. You may need to use OCR for this.
Step 2: Using OCR, find and press the "Library" tab in the Launcher.
Step 3: Find Fortnite and press the "Install" button using OCR. A prompt to install Fortnite might come up automatically after signing into the Epic Games account, if Fortnite is the only game you own.
Step 4: Press the newly appeared "Install" button using OCR again.
This should download and install Fortnite onto your PC. Keep in mind that this is a 40GB game, so make sure you have the space for it. It will take a while. Once the game is finished Downloading and Installing, you should have a Desktop icon for it.

UI navigation:

**This section is bein rewritten when the 21.00 update goes live on June 5th/June 6th, 2022. Many changes have happened sense this guide was originally written, thus this section is required and the previous information was outdated.

How to start a match of Fortnite:

You can start off by pressing the "Change" button to open the discover page. Clicking on the "By Epic" text near the bottum should display some gamme modes that epic owns, such as 0build solos, squads, etc. The list of all core game modes are as follows.
* solos: 100 players fight to be the last man standing.
* duos: Team up with a buddy and take everyone else down: 50 teams of two fight to be the last team standing.
* Treos: fight to be the last team standing! 33 teams of 3 players.
* Squads: Team up with 3 other players and gun for victory! 25 teams of 4.
* Team Ruble: two teams fight to see who can reach the elimination record first! two teams of 16, divided into 4 squads with separate Voice Chat and Squad Coms.
* BattleLab: Create your own game mode on the Battle Royale Island! You can change options from gravity, to being able to spawn bot grenades, to the loot pool based off of popular game modes like one shot or solid gold. maximum 16 players.
* 0build solos: Solos with building removed and a regenerative overshield which will regen after taking damage or it gets below 50. Will not regen if you have taken damage in the last 10 seconds or if you are in the storm. Overshield does not protect you from fall damage, the storm, or fire.
* 0build duos: duos with building removed and a regenerative overshield which will regen after taking damage or it gets below 50. Will not regen if you have taken damage in the last 10 seconds or if you are in the storm. Overshield does not protect you from fall damage, the storm, or fire.
* 0build treos: Trios with building removed and a regenerative overshield which will regen after taking damage or it gets below 50. Will not regen if you have taken damage in the last 10 seconds or if you are in the storm. Overshield does not protect you from fall damage, the storm, or fire.
* 0build squads: squads with building removed and a regenerative overshield which will regen after taking damage or it gets below 50. Will not regen if you have taken damage in the last 10 seconds or if you are in the storm. Overshield does not protect you from fall damage, the storm, or fire.
Creative: Your island, your rules. Team up with friends or alone to play popular maps, or create your own game using props, items, weapons, and mechanics from Fortnite, including weapons and items currently in the vault! The channel system and device system gives you full control over the game, from storms to player values like health, shield, over shield, sprinting speed, damage, and even make them on a team by team or class by class basis. Creative will not be covered here as it goes beyond the scope of this article.
Once you choose the game mode you would like to play, such as Solo's or Team Rumble, press the "Accept" button after clicking the game mode.
You are now ready to start a game of Fortnite! But wait, there are still some things I need to tell you about the game. If you want to start a game anyways, press the "Ready" button, you will be queued into a match soon.
Note; you can also press p to ready up.

How to play the game, plus current limitations:

First off, as of now, it is impossible to reliably locate the position of a player vertically, making terrain in the game very hard to fight on, versus a flat plain. I have developed maps for me and my blind friend to play on, and so can you! But that will be listed later on in this post.
Second, if you hear a sort of ringing sound, that would be a chest. Chests are usually located at the feet of the player, so you need to crouch to open them. Chests contain everything from healing items to guns. Chests contain a single gun, ammo for that gun, and a consumable item/healing item. Interact with the chest to open it by using "E".
Third, once you load into a match of Fortnite, you will hear people shooting, dancing, and building. Don't worry! this is the Spawn Island of Fortnite, think of it as a pre-game to the actual game. You cannot die on spawn island or get kills, and any items you may pick up are deleted upon entering the actual match.
Fourth, you will hear bus honking sounds 10 seconds before being spawned into the Battle Bus. After the 10 seconds is over, you will hear the bus flying through the air. Once you hear a tri-tone type sound (three beeps in succession) you are now able to use the spacebar/jump to exit the battle bus. Once you exit the bus, hold the W key/forward key, to move towards the ground. You will hear your glider get equipped about 10-15 seconds before landing on the ground. Once you land on the ground, press your VoiceAttack centering key, as you do not look straight if you jump out of the bus yourself.
Fifth, you are now on the map! You can use left-click/attack to swing your pickaxe and break the destructible environment, some things are indestructible though. You can tell if an obstacle is indestructible based on if your pickaxe seems to rebound against it and swing faster than normal. Your pickaxe, like any other weapon, can be used to harm others. You can walk around and try to find weapons and chests. Some chests sound different than others. open anyone you hear, as it could give you healing items, or increased loot!
Sixth, You will hear what sounds like a clock ticking about 5 seconds before the storm starts to close. The storm slowly gets smaller and smaller to bring the remaining players closer to each other. The storm has phases of damage ranging from 1-10 depending on the storm phase, so the more you hear the clock ticking sound, the more dangerous it gets! Runaway from the storm to get to safety, and you will hear another tone when it stops moving. You will hear a type of hissing and humming combined when the storm is near you, and the tone changes depending on the speed it moves, or if it isn't moving and that is the edge of the circle.
Seventh, every once in and while you will hear a very fast beeping tone, and possibly a type of distance wind type of sound. This, is a supply drop. Supply drops fall from the sky in the circle, so they can be a good reminder if you are in the circle or not. If you look towards one and run towards it, you might be in time to hear it fall to the ground, which sounds like a chest, but lower pitch and more hum-like. Once this sound changes or stops and you hear the supply drop hit the ground, you can crouch and hold e to open it. Supply drops will give you a purple (epic) or legendary (gold) gun, 2 stacks of consumables, 2 ammo spawns of ammo for the weapon it dropped and is common to find a launch pad inside. Going for supply drops is risky since anyone can see it on their minimap and head to it. Don't shoot or pickaxe them, because enemies can see the supply drop health bar and can tell if someone is near it.
Eighth, aiming in with right control increases your accuracy. You will not always hit shots unfortunately, this can be due to just missing in general, shooting a wall, or the player being above or below you.
Using the 3d audio setting located in the audio tab of the settings menu (information currently unavailable) will make this change easier to notice, as pitch and 3d audio will change based on players footsteps. If you shoot at someone and hear you hit the ground like a bullet thud, or run towards them and start running slower or cannot jump and hear  yourself sliding off, it is a hill and they have the high ground. Turn either left or right and try to run around or up the hill.

other NPC's

Fortnite has other NPCs. Characters that are around the map, that walk around slowly with non-player footsteps and make a buzzing sound when within a certain range, you can talk to them, and they can give you healing items, materials, and if your lucky high tier guns. For some of them, you can also buy stuff from them by looking left and right to go through the menu. If you want to be evil, line up your shots and start unloading! Kill the NPC and...  get... nothing. NPC's no longer drop guns once eliminated.

mythic bosses and henchmen

Some POI's on the map will have music in them, this means that a mythic boss and its henchmen are around somewhere. These are extremely hectic drop spots but can give high-tier loot if you can let others kill everything and attempt to make it out alive by killing the mythic boss and their henchmen and get the mythic weapon. These mythic guns are a higher damage, sometimes different take on regular weapons you can get already. Watch out, be prepared, and stay alert, danger will always be around the corner in these areas.
Note: Do not, under any circumstance, pickaxe any NPC, mythic boss, henchmen, or healing NPC. They have massive amounts of health and shield, and you will not be able to kill it very easily with only a pickaxe. Either have a gun and prepare to fight or be friendly.

And that's the basic gist of Fortnite! I wish you good luck, but you can practice by either playing many many matches or by joining my creative maps! Contact me on Discord and I can invite you to my game to let you practice against other blind people! My Discord is GreenBeanGravy#2597


These are the keybinds I use. These are not the keybinds you have to use, and some you will never use. If needed, I will put a description by the keybind for what it does. Changing keybinds is covered in the UI navigation section above.
w: move forward
s: move backwards
a: move left
d: move right.
left shift: crouch.  (makes you walk slower, quiets footsteps for you and enemies, and changes your hitbox.) This is used to open some chests, and sometimes even interact with objects on the map.
left control: attack.
right control: ADS (Aim down sights) Increases weapon accuracy. 
space: jump.
b: emote wheel. Once this is open, use 1 through 8 to do emotes.
left shift: boost in all vehicles.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5: equip the weapons/items in slot 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
f5: ping marker.
f6: ping enemy marker.
f1: equip wall building peace.
f2: equip floor building peace.
f3: equip ramp building peace.
f4: equip pyramid building peace.
i,tab: open invintory.  You can use left and right arrows to move through your slots in your hotbar. Use the up and down arrows to go between hotbar, ammo, and materials/traps.  To drop a stack of an item, or a weapon, press x to drop one, hold x to drop all of it, and press z to split in half.
e: interact
m: open minimap. You can use OCR, and go to POI's like greacey groves or The Sanctuary, and land in those POI's. However, starting in Chapter 2, you have to explore the map to find new locations so you can ping them on the minimap.
If you need anything, contact greenbeangravy with the discord above, or contact me with my discord: isuckTheSwampGamer#6079. Their will also be a discord server, at https://discord.gg/4f9u8YqQ93 Thanks everyone!


This is just some updates to the article after the fact. Check back here often, as I will update this section with things like new vehicles, game changes, etc.

Voice Attack trial

Voice attacks trial is a three month period, of which at the end you will have to pay $10 US to unlock all the features and all the time you could ever want with VoiceAttack! This also seems to improve performance, which seems to degrade overtime. You might be able to uninstall and reinstall windows to get around it, but I don't know sence I didn't try. VoiceAttack is very helpful, and should work for any fps game, so I thought it was worth it.

all map locations you can ping

Here is a list of all major POI's on the map, in no given order. Compare what you have unlocked to make sure it is all discovered!
The Joneses
Tilted Towers
The Collider Both Dr. Slone and Huntmaster Saber reside here, with many IO Guards. The Slones Mythic Striker Burst Rifle and Huntmaster Saber's Mythic Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle can be obtained here.
Coney Crossroads
Rockey Reals
Chonkers Speedway
Sinaps Station
The Daily Bueagle
Command Cavern: Gunnar resides here, and you can obtain Gunnar's Mythic Stinger Submachinegun from him.
The Fortriss  (Random IO guards roam here)
Greasy Grove

Loot Pool

Here are all the weapons, healing items, and more as well as a description.
side arm pistol
ranger shotgun
striker pump shotgun
auto shotgun
drum shotgun
ranger assault rifle
striker burst assault rifle
mk-seven assault rifle
stinger sub machinegun
combat sub machinegun
light machinegun
hunter bolt action sniper
heavy sniper (deals 4x damage to vehicles and structures)
anvil rocket launcher (does 4x damage to vehicles. Tracks vehicles if you aim while looking at a vehicle. Flies through the air in the sky, landing on the opponent or vehicle highlighted)
Shockwave grenades (movement)
Launchpad (trap, movement)
Armored wall trap (trap, gives any wall or floor its placed on 2500 health instantly)
Air strike grenade (summons in an airstrike, causing 20 rockets dealing 50 damage each in a small radius around the grenade.)
Medmist (hold down fire to heal yourself up to 100 hp 5 at a time, hold down aim to heal people around you for 5 at a time. Fully automatic)
Chug splashes
Small Shield Potion
Shield Potion
Small Fry
Thermal Fish
Slurp Fish
Shield Keg (place this down to heal anyone around it for a minute and a half. It will only heal shield)
Remote explosive (c4. place it down, go away, and remotely detonate it by pressing aim while holding the c4)

Article reconstruction

Hey everyone, long time no see, eh? I have gone through, fixing some spelling errors and made some changes to sections of the article, the main one being the keybindings section, and some other improvements here and there. I have added some information to some keybinds, the select game mode section, and what is this, information unavailable? I am currently working on a section of the article for UI navigation such as going between the settings, the change game mode UI, adding friends, etc. I don't have all the information right now, but all you need to know is it is coming, and golden cursor is required. This will take a long amount of time, and I am waiting for the next update to Fortnite to come out, before I even work on it. I will also be updating the article with all the POI's on the map, available weapons and items to keep you all up to date with what to expect in your next match of Fortnite. Thank you for everyone who has shown your support, and joined the discord server. Oh, yeah, I updated the links and instructions for getting the Voice Attack profile, and the link to this discord server. Those should never change from now on, as I have switched to Keybase instead of Dropbox, so even if the profile updates, the link doesn't!

Thumbs up +10