2021-08-11 17:30:19

With all due respect at post 50 you can learn all of this by listening to the very detailed video on post one. Do yourself a favor by doing that.

2021-08-11 19:28:10

I have listened to the video, but I can't remember the how to read the codex being mentioned, I may have missed it.

2021-08-11 19:36:54

@52: The video is broken up into chapters and has time indexes with links in the description, so you can go to whichever part of the video you need to review.  There is actually a chapter on the codex listed right in the description, and if you click on it, the very first sentence you hear is literally how to bring up the codex.

Aaron77 and I worked very hard to make the video as detailed as possible (hence why it's 3.5 hours long) but also broke it up into tons of chapters to make it very easy to find the info one needs.

2021-08-11 21:43:28

@shane it's lb on controller or c on keyboard to bring up the codex. I feel like you shouldn't have to search through a 3.5 hour video just to find the one button you need to bring up the codex.

Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.

2021-08-12 08:38:47

stewie wrote:

@shane it's lb on controller or c on keyboard to bring up the codex. I feel like you shouldn't have to search through a 3.5 hour video just to find the one button you need to bring up the codex.

There is a reason for the video is in chapters. Lol.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2021-08-12 09:14:27

yup, please do check the chapters lol

2021-08-12 09:22:45

yes.  Please check the chapters.  I spent hours setting those up!
The answer to that particular question can also be found on the readme which is included in the pack now.

I'm probably gonna get banned for this, but...

2021-08-12 12:51:15

Some people might fail to understand English on such a level to listen to the spoken video, so its good that someone's answering those people.

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2021-08-12 16:05:13

@58 raises a good point. Not everyone understands English, or well enough to follow. There's no harm in giving a simple answer. Probably would take as long as you telling them to look up the video.

Discord: clemchowder633

2021-08-12 16:10:42

haha, sometimes it would be even fatser. But I can understand HLLF's frustration. He has put many hours and dedication to record this video, so its completely understandable that he wants people to see his work.

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2021-08-12 16:45:13 (edited by hllf 2021-08-12 16:52:38)

@54, @58, @59, @60: With all due respect, if you go to the codex chapter, the first sentence that is immediately spoken by aaron77 is, and I quote:

"So the codex can be brought up by pressing the left bumper or L1 or the letter c."

That's about as plain and simple English as there can be.  If someone can't understand that sentence, they are not going to understand it any better in a post response.

Also I'm a very firm believer in teaching a person to fish, not giving them fish.  It's also 10000 times more efficient to take 30 seconds to look up your answer using Google or the Hades Wiki or listening to the right chapter in the video than posting a message here and waiting hours for someone to possibly respond to you.

That certainly doesn't mean people can't still choose to take the less efficient road or that there is anything wrong with it, but if someone does choose to do so, don't whine and complain when people call them out for it and explain to them that there is a more efficient way to find the answer for which they are searching.

2021-08-12 16:52:45

@61, I'm not coming in here to start arguments, so all I will say is that with equal respect in return, because your points are well made... if someone can't understand a written response, they can translate the text. Not so with what Aaron said in the video. But I'm not going to derail the topic any further, so let's just agree to disagree.

Discord: clemchowder633

2021-08-12 17:00:41

@62: It's all good, thanks for the courteous response.

2021-08-12 17:50:55

Well, its easier to use a translation service on text than on voice. But some questions could be easily searched and with that I fully agree.

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2021-08-12 18:46:37

Hi guys! I've tryed importing the mods but when I run the scripts it automatically does things but I don't see the text of imported mods; is there a way to know if they are imported correctly in the game? An other question: I really am not able to exit from the house to go in the first room; I've tryed going in the upper right corner but nothing happens; then I went in all the other corners but it's the same thing; I've pressed all the buttons and controls in my controller and on my keybard but nothing happens but sounds of the weapon I'm using. What can I do, please? I've followed the video that, in my opinion, is fantastic but can't reach the first room. Bye for now!


2021-08-12 19:21:04

@65: When you run the mod importer, the window should remain open.  The last line of output will read, "Press any key to end program..."  The line above that will tell you that 9 mods were imported.  If it does, then you are good.

If for some reason the mod importer window is closing on its own, just run it from the command line.  Regardless, however, if the mods are working, then I'm sure they imported fine.

Regarding locating the bedroom, the easiest way to find it is to stand right in front of Hades.  Then go down maybe 5 steps or so, then go to the right as far as you can.  You should hear Zagreus pan all the way to the right.  Now back up to the left a bit, maybe 4-5 steps, and head straight up.

That should get you into the bedroom.  There is no closed door, so you don't have to hit any buttons.  As soon as you walk into the entrance, you will hear a sound, and you will be in the bedroom.

Just play around with that, and you will find it.

2021-08-13 02:15:31

Will the hades windows store app work with the mods?

2021-08-13 03:14:02

I don't think anyone can know the answer to that until it's out.

I'm probably gonna get banned for this, but...

2021-08-13 05:09:20

Hi all,

A mod update!

Fixed a bug in the shop menu that would display a blank line (though you could still arrow to it) if a sack of obols loaded in the room.

Hades - Accessibility Mods Bundle - V30

As a reminder, the latest version of the mods can always be downloaded from the new website (under construction but operational).

That's all for now; enjoy!

2021-08-13 05:16:19

hi all i have dun everything to install the mods from the read me but the importer installs 0 mods  can anyone help please? i did exactly what the read me said to do and am using steam

2021-08-13 06:40:58 (edited by hllf 2021-08-13 06:41:31)

@70: Make sure your path to the modimporter.py file is as follows:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Hades\Content\modimporter.py

2021-08-13 07:22:39

Do these things work with epic games?

I managed to get a good deal on hades 28 bucks for the game and 14 for the soundtrack so 46 for the entire thing.
The epic client is a load of garbage but I got the games installed.
Now how do I install the mod?
The game is x64 at least epic games is.
I have the latest x64 version of python installed but the mod importer says 0 mods, however where do I copy the content folder where epic games is concerned.
The website is a bit weird but I can use it, the client needs ocr heavily but I can use it.
Its a pain and a real cpu hog but I can use it.
The soundtrack is high quality and I can play it on my disk player and speakers so if this all goes belly up I only lost 30 bucks.
I still have the music.

2021-08-13 08:10:20

thats the mod importer path and the mods are where they should be it just says impored 0 mods

2021-08-13 08:37:58

Well same question I have with epic.
Its also on windows store but if this is only for steam, I'm going to have to ask for a refund from epic, then I will be shortly after deleting the game from my computer and the stupid epic client.
I am not running steam which to be honest has really sucky accessibility without mucking about.
Sadly supergiant games does not put this thing on itch so I will not be buying it.
Ohh well I have the soundtrack, maybe if I ask for an entire refund I will have the soundtrack which I have already put in another place for squat out of that.
I was hoping to try this.
But between this and diablow, I may have wasted cash and disk space.

2021-08-13 08:41:08

Hi all! I'm having the same problem of Liseo in that I tryed installing the mods from the command line but it tells me there are missing modules but everything is in the correct place so, don't know how to correct this thing.
