2021-12-03 21:53:17

Hey, I made this topic in General Game Discussion, but it apparently broke something and didn't work.
https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4305 … am-devlog/

As I understand it, Admins don't have much power to fix MySQL issues, only the webhost does, but I figured I should report it anyway. Feel free to delete the broken topic if you are able.

My biggest suspect is the Winkyface Windows 10 standard emoji I used in the post. Created by using "Windows key  + dot-key" shortcut and selecting it in the menu.

If the forum doesn't verify or sanitize Text posts before adding them to the MySQL database, there might be some character sequences that break the query.

I tried posting again later without the emoji, and that topic worked.
Or maybe its just an issue with the DB not managing to grab my Post Karma correctly.

Working on Monsters of the North, posting gamedev stuff on Mastodon
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2021-12-14 22:33:18

You would be correct here. Unfortunately, our forum software doesn't handle displaying Emojis in topic titles. Easy fix in probably a line of code. Give it until after our migration which should hopefully be happening in less than a month from now.