2022-02-05 04:59:29

I think the problem here is language AKA a poor choice of words. Remember what happened with me a few years ago? It wasn't what I wrote that was the problem, it was the way in which I wrote it; I came off as trying to dictate to people what to believe and how to believe it. That wasn't what I was trying to say at all; I was trying to say hay, here is what I believe, please feel free to see it. If you don't like it or if you just don't believe in it then no problem, at least you checked it out or not as the case may be. At the time, I wasn't given the benefit of the doubt and most people didn't explain that they felt dictated to. Because of that, it took far longer than it should have for me to change the way in which I wrote. Here's how I would have written post 15 if I were AlirezaNosrati. "The problem isn't that you don't fit into this world or with the people around you, the problem is that you're made to feel like you don't fit in. Feel free to take what people say into consideration but if what they say is harmful and it hurts you then you must discard what they say at all costs. I'm not talking about constructive criticism, I'm talking about words designed to make you feel worthless. If you do end up taking medication then be advised that most medications have side effects and some of them, even those proscribed by the mental health professionals can negatively impact your physical and mental health. That is why if you truly feel like you're not benefiting from them then it is better to try other treatments that are not chemical in nature until you find what works for you. If you do manage to find what works for you and you then find that you're generally happier then good for you. Pat yourself on the back because you have managed to find a way to cope with your depression. I must warn you that you will still have days when you feel truly down in the dumps and you may wonder whether you're just deluding yourself into thinking that you're coping. Stop, think, assess and realise that we all have off days. No, you're not deluding yourself, you're just having doubts. The trick here is to not let your doubts hold you back. Also, don't try to get back at your father, just keep doing what works for you and the more good days you have, the better. Having good days means that you're winning and you never know what good may befall you even 5 minutes from now. Also, please don't leave this world. You may not see it now but there are people who truly love you. I think the Samaritans can lend you an ear."

2022-02-05 05:26:08

Yeah, so the short version and something I can probably dig sources up for again is: depression is biological, it's not just sadness, we can measure it with things like MRIs.  For starters, see this; in general I can link SSC or ACX for anything, but for what it's worth I only know about his stuff on depression because I follow him generally and this isn't his p[rimary thing.  But he cites sources.  And:

Maybe depression reduces olfactory acuity because it reduces sensory acuity in general. We already know that depression decreases visual contrast, causing the world to literally look washed-out and gray. If I’m reading this study right, it claims depression also decreases auditory threshold – ie depressed people are less able to hear very quiet sounds. I can’t find similarly good studies on taste or touch, although they should be easy to do.

And like, there are journals and journals and journals of this stuff where people do research.  We don't know the cause, but I could go fill an apartment building with what we did know if I printed it out.

In other words: if you haven't done the professional help thing, do that; if you haven't done the psychiatry thing, do that.  There are at least 20 or 30 kinds of therapy in common usage, though CBT is the one with the most research showing it's effective.  There are at least 20 or 30 medications with few to no side effects.  Hell, if all else fails there's even ridiculous things that actually work like putting your head near special electromagnets that you can try.  The whole "the pills make you happy" idea is bullshit, that's not even what they do or really even close to how they work.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2022-02-05 20:18:51 (edited by Agent47 2022-02-05 20:21:45)

@1 an other trick I learned about right now is this:, when your having panic attacks, or over thinking, do self discription, I.e, I'm A 16 year old human, I have some stuble on my chin, I have short hair, my shirt feals cumfy, I am sitting on A chair, the armrest is made of wood, ETC, an other trick: space discription, I.e, I'm in A big room, it seams that there are lots of people around me, I can smel the food being cooked, it smels like meet, there seams to bee some potaitos, ETC
or recall, I.E, what did agent smith say about purpose in the matrix part 2?, he said that: Without purpose, we would not exist. It is purpose that created us, ETC

"But did you, in your three-piece psychology and 1950's technobrain,
ever take a look behind the eyes of the hacker?  Did you ever wonder what
made him tick, what forces shaped him, what may have molded him?"

2022-02-06 17:58:53


To the Op
1. Before I start my post, I would just like to say you are not alone. Millions of other people are suffering the same problem as you are. The reason why I'm saying this is because when you know you're not the only one who's suffering this sort of problem, it's that much easier to handle.
Now that's out of the way, we can start.
1. To be honest, depression isn't really caused by one thing. Yes, we know that depression is a chemical reaction in the brain, but we can't just boil it down to genetics because depression happens for a lot of reasons, and that's what I'm getting from the post of the Op. A lot of awful things happened in his life and this has no doubt added to it. Don't forget depression can be caused by trauma, rape, the death of a loved one, etc etc. The list goes on.
2. Though depression does have causes, we should also understand that these sorts of things aren't sudden. What I'm saying is, he says that suddenly he began feeling unhappy one day. My question is, before you began feeling depressed, did you experience any unhappy  emotions  before, like anger, hate, sadness? Did a particular event bother you mentally? You need to ask yourself these questions and see where it takes you. Problem is, when we're depressed, we don't tend to think clearly especially when we're in the heat of the moment. Maybe sit down with your Mother or someone who you can really talk to and try to work out answers to these questions. It often helps to have someone nearby as they can suggest alternative viewpoints.
3. What do you do in your spare time? You mentioned you had a porn addiction. I strongly advise you to quit it, as this kind of wrong-doing seriously messes up the mind. Try to distract yourself with useful things, such as listening to audio books. Don't just have a study plan, have a leisure plan also so you can organize your time effectively. These wicked porn stuff are already why are society is having serious issues, they're designed to break dow a social fabric and ruin people.
4. This links back to what I've previously said. You need someone to talk to. Whether it be your Mother, Brother, or another family member, you just need to let it out of your system, because some of the things you mention are rather odd: Like, why would your Father suddenly quit his family? Was there some other problem going on in the household up to that fateful moment? Medication can only get you so far. You said you're Polish, can't you find a private Polish medical professional? I'm saying that because they may better understand you culturally.
5. Other than that, it won't be an easy battle. But I think you will succeed. Trust me, as you get older you begin to realize more and that helps, too.

2022-02-06 23:13:14

Porn addiction isn't necessarily bad, but like anything it can cause damage if consumed to excess. If you're using it as some sort of reality escape pod, it may indeed be worth reviewing. This very much depends on your individual psychology, however, and none of us truly have the right to dictate your choices. Talk to an actual professional if you're struggling, that's what they're paid for.

2022-02-07 00:04:41

The noun addiction speaks for itself, although now it is under control, not more than once a week.
I am not proud of it, and I am against porn, but I started watching from a young age.
Maybe that has also payed a part in my mental unstability.
@29 thank you so much, that post opened my eyes to some details I didn't really focus on before.

I choose to be happy

2022-02-07 00:08:16

Depression can totally come on suddenly, though.  As someone who deals with these problems I will sometimes wake up and it's like "well today is a depressive episode day, time to wait it out and tomorrow will probably be better".  There doesn't have to be a cause.  Sometimes the cause is just something changing even if it's positive.  Sometimes it just is without a reason.  Sometimes it's just being genuinely sick with a cold or something but you're prone to staying down when you feel down and get stuck in that state.  I managed to have a depressive episode within a week of the literal best day of my life, when I found out our company got bought and all my shares became worth something and I entered the incredibly tiny fraction of programmers who have participated in a successful startup that made it to an exit event.  I think the mistake a lot of people make is confusing depression-the-illness with depression from a loved one dying or something.  I can tell the difference between depression-the-illness and actual depression with a cause, at least in my case; in addition to not being able to answer the question "why am I sad" depression actually manifests with lots of other symptoms.  And based on all that I've seen, having other symptoms/it being a lack of energy etc and not sadness is the norm.  Depression=sad is sometimes true, but that's one of those things that movies and books and popular culture have magnified to the point of having everyone who doesn't deal with this stuff believing that they're the same thing all the time.

there's definitely triggers, there's definitely things like a background of abuse, etc etc.  That's probably the more common way to get started.  You can learn what things make you depressed and lower your chances of an episode.  But sometimes you do just wake up one day and now you have depression and you'll be dealing with it to some degree for the rest of your life.  "do some soul-searching" is almost never helpful advice; by the time someone is at this point they may not be done doing such but they have generally done what they can on their own.  But also soul-searching isn't really a solution for most people.  The solution is finding coping strategies, things that help lift you out of that state, learning to power through, doing medications, or any of the aforementioned in combination.  One of the more useful skills is learning just to be able to say "this is my depression talking but I know that not-depressed me would" and then acting on that to get through the day.  Sometimes people have an epiphany and they're better and if that's you, good.  But it's not the norm.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2022-02-07 03:27:14

Somehow, I keep coming back to the line of thought, "How'd we get here?" Like, when you see 7 year olds talk about how depressed they are and how they're gonna kill themselves, you gotta wonder. Are they just emulating adults? Is there an environmental cause? Is society just so fucked that everyone hates it? I think there's more to it than just the whole talking about mental health was a taboo.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2022-02-07 04:15:43

The answer is that now we have the internet and you can hear about it, instead of it just staying at home with mom and dad.  Confirmation bias is a wonderful thing, no?

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2022-02-07 07:38:33

most of us have your same struggle, i know i definitely do. all i can do for a solution is pray, and have faith, that my life will get better, that i will serve a purpose in this world, and feel happy on a consistent basis, how i felt when i was a kid. stay strong man, please hold on, find your way through the darkness

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2022-02-07 15:53:23


A few thoughts.
1. It's good that you're working o your porn addiction. Though it's good you're cutting down upon it, you need to stop it completely. Delete all porn things on your computer or any other device and try to find other engaging activities, such as reading about wildlife.
2. When I meant depression is not something that is sudden,  I meant though depression can seem outwardly sudden, there's a lot that the human mind goes through before your depressed completely. When I mean mind, I'm talking about the sub-conscious mind, not the conscious mind.
4. Have you also considered getting a therapy animal, such as a guide dog or a guide horse? Obviously I know a guide dog is meant for guiding people,  but animals just have this childish way or making you happy? Or have you considered doing activities like horse riding? Or maybe going out to shopping with your Mum? The list is endless.

2022-02-07 15:57:32

Another thing, you should do your best to not think about suicide: For example, your signiture says love, drugs, suicide. Why not change it to something more positive?

2022-02-08 12:27:35

@OP I am not sure about the legality of that where you live, but I know that in Germany they sell St. John'S Wort as an over the counter  medication to depression with little to no side effects, however, do your reading on it first, and if you're taking any medication then you better not take it as it seems to be conflicting with every type of medication in this world lol.
Just saying as it can maybe help at the beginning because I know that some people find it hard to go to a psychiatrist, or get worried about medication effects, so until you seek some help depending on where you live this could be available to you in the pharmacy.
I hope you feel better soon.

“If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.”

2022-02-16 22:20:08

Well, I just found this topic and somehow feel as if I should share my own experiences here.
When I was something between 13 and 14, I also slipped into a form of depression. I can't completely say what triggered it, it might have been my girlfriend leaving me, combined with the roof of our house burning down only a few years before, it might also have been anything else. I'm really not sure.
Anyway, after a few months it became so bad that I nearly killed myself in front of a train. Luckily I just hesitated for a few seconds so that it was "to late". Those few seconds are basically why I'm still here today and I'm really thankfull for that.
Only a few days later I finally received professional help because I finally told my mother about my condition. He didn't diagnose a depression outright, however, he said that whatever it exactly was it was something in the direction of depression or PTSD.
I visited my counceler for a few months and also tryed to overcome my depression myself by mostly keeping myself busy with other, usually nice, things to do.
Then we went on a trip to England and because of that my counceler and I didn't meet for over a month and stopped our meetings all together only a short while later because I thought I managed to get this time behind me.
That was only about 3 years ago by the way.
I'm not sure what exactly changed since then. However, I'm usually in a much better mood nowerdays and try not to let such things pull me down. And since I am in a relationship with my great and lovely girlfriend it also feels much lighter.
So, what I can suggest to you because it worked for me is the following:
Keep in mind, those things worked for me. That doesn't mean that they work for anyone else!
-) Find someone to talk to. Even if it's not directly about your depression, just find someone to talk to about the things that might have something to do with your depression. That really helped me.
-) Find yourself one or more hobbys or things you like to do. Ideally things you can just do spontaneously if you are in a bad mood right now to think of other things.
-) Try to consceously stay away from things which might trigger bad feelings or suicidal thoughts for you! I know that that isn't easy but if it's possible, it might help.
-) Get yourself professional help as quickly as possible!
-) Try to make plans for your future in this world. Even if they seem completely stupid and not well thought at all, those plans might just be the anker you might need one day.
So, that was it from me for today. I hope this post helped at least somewhat.
Taurus Fan

2022-02-17 01:27:08

Your experience is similar to mine, @39, though without the house fire, thankfully. My main trigger was boarding school, and after awhile it began to blossom into other things as well. I also had a long term relationship fail when I was 13, and by long term I mean almost 3 years long distance. I still think about that sometimes.

2022-02-19 01:47:48

As someone who has lived with depression for many years, I too wonder whether it ever gets better. Objectively it does--age and life experiences harden you, if nothing else, or, if not that, they teach you how to human--but I don't know if it ever goes away and if you ever feel less different. Personally, I've been in therapy (CBT) for over a year and I'm not sure if anything has changed all that much. That, among other things, lead me to cave in and entertain the idea of medication, but I'm not sure that there really is such a thing as practically endless combinations of more or less side effect free meds as someone earlier in this thread described. Everything I've read about SSRI's/SNRI's (though the latter do admittedly have slightly fewer side effects) seems to suggest that you'll probably gain a significant amount of weight, (and increase your risk of diabetes quite a bit with long-term use) you might not ever be able to enjoy sex again even after stopping the medication in question, and you're going to flip a coin to decide if you'll experience a total lack of emotion that leaves you wondering if you're alive. There are older classes of antidepressants available too, obviously, but those tend to have more severe and life-altering side effects, so they're not as commonly prescribed anymore. My point in saying all this is that I have some serious misgivings about exploring this avenue myself. I'm going to try it because therapy alone hasn't helped, and like, I don't have thousands of dollars to invest in ketamine treatments or hippie resorts specializing in healing your spirit through the use of shrooms. I actually think those sorts of treatments show promise, and may one day be the go-to rather than such invasive brain/life/body modifications, but we can't even get past OMG, reefer madness! in a lot of circles even though many states are legalizing recreational weed use with no problems, so...

I dunno. Crhonic mental health issues are certainly a thing. I've lived them and have gotten almost too tired to keep carrying that burden more times than I can count. I guess that what keeps me hanging on in my darkest moments, which, thankfully, I haven't experienced in some time, besides what could (but hopefully not) amount to transient circumstances such as my partner, or the fact that I am employed, even if it's not a great job, is that we never know what happens after we die. You could be the most devout atheist in the world and be proven wrong if you're hit in a drive-by shooting one day. You're not going to be able to tell the world that, though, as you either suffer unending agony or experience eternal bliss. Or maybe you have a consciousness, but it's just as blah as real life. Or maybe you're in purgatory, or you get reincarnated...the list of possibilities is literally endless, because no matter how strong your faith, faith is just a construct, the foundation to one's ability to survive. The vast majority of people, without a spiritual anchor, will crumple in a sad heap like the first two of the three little pigs' houses once faced with adversity if their hearts cannot withstand harshness. I'm including myself in this, I'm not immune to uncertainty. So I guess I want to live as though I can at least pretend that I'm not going to have regrets. I know I will at my 11th hour, but if there's one thing a perpetually anxious person such as myself needs, it's some form of stability. I have it in the above-mentioned things which have improved my life, but nobody can remain adrift in a roiling sea with just a lifeboat to cling to forever, either, nor should other human beings or circumstances be our lifeboats.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2022-02-19 04:36:43

One thing that helps my depression is eatting CVD gummy bears. With that you have to start small and then work your way up to find the best amount for your needs.

2022-02-21 21:59:24

I did try CBD jelly beans. They tasted nice but I mean, there isn't a lot to suggest that effects people experience when taking doses of CBD that are available in these novelty products really do anything other than placebo. Not that placebo can't be powerful, and as long as you go into such things knowing that, it can't really hurt you.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2022-02-22 00:27:33

No, it's the opposite. The recreational/novelty products have way more than a prescription will ever have.  Go to a proper weed place and you can get candy and the like where just one will leave you contemplating the texture of the carpet for the afternoon (yes yes CBD alone doesn't do that, but they'll sell you that too).

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2022-02-22 01:09:21

CBD is, at least in my own experience, practically useless. It doesn’t do anything for me. I know it will never get you high, and that’s not what I was after anyway, but I don’t even get the relaxation / mood altering affects everyone is always talking about.

2022-02-22 02:24:54

I don't know. Maybe I just got crappy CBD products then, but in all honesty I'd rather have the full spectrum experience. I was a literal weed virgin until recently, and while I'm not saying it worked wonders or anything, I can't deny that it's something that I would want to explore more, if only to curb my drinking. Having a vice is the American way, after all. Hell, taking an antidepressant technically counts as a habit, since once you start taking one, you have to carefully taper off of it or risk withdrawal symptoms. I have never received a satisfactory answer as to why this is acceptable, or why it's not considered an addiction, despite the fact that your body is like aaaah give me my fix! the same way it might when quitting tobacco, caffeine, or even a mild case of alcohol dependence beyond this is how we do things in western society, shut up and blow big pharma because it saved your life or something.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2022-02-22 02:34:48

We don't call getting off antidepressants an addiction because for the most part they're entirely different things.  You "want" alcohol or cigarettes when addicted to them, but that's not actually the case with antidepressants.  The issues with going off antidepressants without tapering are at a lower level, and typically you just get these weird muscle spasms that are very hard to describe.  The entire tapering process usually takes 2 weeks or around that, and unlike all the other things you don't spend the rest of your life craving antidepressants.

Or put another way, you can decide to stop tomorrow and you can stop with 100% success.

That's not to say they're all that tame, but you're not going to encounter the non-tame ones unless you go through all the tame ones first.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2022-02-22 10:30:08

I think the effects of CBD are very subtle, like feeling more motivated, relaxed, and sometimes sleepy asf, when you take too much.
It's like coffee, I suppose.
You don't know what it does to you exactly, but it makes a difference.
But of course, it depends on the percentage, the way you consume it, etc.

I choose to be happy

2022-06-20 20:38:29 (edited by Nikole234 2022-06-28 12:28:12)

I'm glad that I've found this thread as my sister is currently suffering from depression. I do want to help her. Some days are better than others and she has recently begun therapy. I've just read here that it didn't work for someone and taking medications turned out to be the only way out. To be honest, I checked the info about them on the Canada Drugs site and I'm frightened by their side effects. Maybe it is better to start with CBD first. Thanks for sharing your experiences, guys, and I'm sorry that so many people have to deal with depression.

2022-06-21 00:54:27

Not sure how many times I have to say that the introductory medications don't have crazy side effects, but I will reiterate that one more time here.  You're hearing about the ones that do because they're scary but there are like 20 that don't before you get that far in any treatment plan.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992